Facial Bumps And Treatment Methods

Small facial protrusions are typically classified as acne, blackheads, whiteheads, or cysts. It is fairly common for bumps to appear on the face. Consistency with shape and texture and the omittance of pain may not require any medical intervention. Any changes in the size and status of a bump, however, may require a consultation with a dermatologist and varying treatments.

Over-The-Counter Care Products

It can be tempting to pick at facial skin, especially if a patch of acne is fairly visible and tends to distract you throughout the course of the day. Avoid doing this, however, since it could trigger more breakouts or make an existing one more prominent. Excessive oil, clogged pores, and exposure to the sun can trigger various skin conditions. Over-the-counter care products that contain salicylic acid can be used to treat whiteheads and blackheads.

Acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide can be used to lessen the redness associated with a series of pimples. Salicylic acid will dissolve dead skin cells, aiding with the unclogging of pores. Benzoyl peroxide will dry out acne-affected areas without adding any oil to the facial area.

Keratin-filled cysts will be a whitish hue. Treatment may require the use of an exfoliation pad. With any of these skin issues, speaking to a dermatologist about creating a personal care routine may be of importance, especially if you have been having difficulty reducing the number of breakouts that you experience.

Medication, Laser Treatments, And Dermabrasion

A skin imperfection that quickly changes in size or that starts off as a painless blemish but winds up causing a lot of discomfort may require an appointment with a dermatologist. There could be an underlying issue that is triggering the flare-ups.

Upon examining your facial skin, a dermatologist will tell you what the name of your skin condition is and whether or not the affected areas have become infected. Some oral medications can reduce swelling and discomfort. If a dermatologist prescribes you any medication, you may also need to undergo another treatment method or perform some self-care steps at home.

Laser treatments are used to eliminate facial growths that cannot be removed by other means or that haven't responded to a more basic care technique. A dermatologist may perform 'in office' exfoliation sessions.

A dermabrasion tool is often used during an office visit. This type of tool is used to resurface the skin. The top layers of skin are removed. After each treatment, the facial skin will temporarily be red and swollen. 

About Me

Choosing An Excellent Dermatologist

After spending years wondering how to improve my skin, I finally realized that the only real way to take care of the problem was by talking with a dermatologist. I sat down with a professional and told them what I needed, and they were really incredible to work with. They explained all of my skin problems and told me how we could address the issue, and before I knew it, my skin was clearing up. I wanted to start a website all about my experiences with dermatology. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have, because your skin will never be the same.



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